It has been awhile since we posted on our blog. We will try to make 2012 a little more consistent. Thanks to all for making our 2011 a success for Jax Music Supply! Let's take a look at the most popular products of 2011. While we introduced a lot of new products this year, for the most part our top selling products consisted old favorites.
Number 10: MXR M-133 Micro Amp
This pedal has been around for over 30 years now. The Micro-Amp is a clean boost designed to push your tube amp into the overdriven sweet spot! Simple to use and inexpensive.
Number 9: MXR M-102 Dyna Comp Compressor.
After 30 years this is still one the most popular compressors on the market. Like all MXR products it is super tough and inexpensive.
A relatively new entry for the MXR company, it is a true “bucket brigade” delay.
One of the original boutique overdrives. Next to the Tubescreamer this is probably the most cloned overdrive in the world, but the original still rules!
One of two Snarks on our list, the Snarks are the definite New product of the year. Simple and cheap, people buy two or three so that one is always available. Amazing that this type of product can be built for almost nothing!
The second boutique builder on our list built the most popular compressor we sell. High quality components and superior design make this compressor a winner.
Number 4: Qwik Tune Guitar Professor
The GP-1 is another old favorite of our customers. It is a tuner with a built in complete chord library.
The second of the Snark products on our list.
Boutique tonemeister Brian Wampler’s second entry on our list and the his first “signature” effect pedal. One of the finest overdrive’s available.
Our number one product this year. We find that many people order more than one for to assemble their pedal boards. Includes cable and connectors. Lifetime warranty and low price. No wonder it is so popular.