Friday, October 10, 2008

Buyer Beware!

by Jack Phillips

October 10, 2008

Believe it or not, I sometimes shop at the local Walmart. Not always the most fun experience, but they do have really good prices, especially on staples we need each week. Recently, after selecting my purchases, I headed over to the toy section to find one of my children (I'm sure you parents out there are familiar with this task). To my dismay, I saw a couple that had selected a low quality acoustic guitar for I assume their child. Obviously being in the store I could not approach them about their purchase. However, as I continued to look for my son, I saw how much this "discount" store was charging for these, bluntly, crappy instruments!

We often assume that these large discount stores can always beat the little guy on price. I can testify that what I have seen at the local discount stores is not low priced nor good quality. What they are selling for $60 was worth maybe $20, with profit. Now, I have no problem with Walmart getting as much as possible, but what are the customers thinking? Do they shop around? Why are they paying more for a piece of junk when they could pay less for something that is at least playable? I would encourage people who are considering a musical instrument for themselves or a child to check out their local music store. Maybe even Jax Music Supply :-)!

You will find the local store, even chains such as Guitar Center, very helpful and can provide guidance to a quality instrument within your budget. Don't assume that the discount chains are the least expensive or offer the best value. Do the research. Shop around. I know most dealers, Jax included, gladly give free advice. We have people that email us all the time for information and never make a purchase. We are happy to provide this service. We know that in the long run the world is better served by providing friendly service and creating more music in the world.

What do you think?


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